Stewart Family – Willow Metropark

Gosh have you ever seen a better looking family? Not only did the Stewart family look on point, but the weather and the location played out perfectly for us as well. Sweet little baby S was well behaved, and we even got a few smiles out of her which was great since she usually has her classic “crusty” face haha. We went to Willow Metropark and it was beautiful, the beautiful birds literally echoed through all the trees. This family is so kind to everyone and definitely need to be models, agreed?

Southeast Michigan Photographer - Willow Metropark, Family Photography

Southeast Michigan Photographer - Willow Metropark, Family Photography

Southeast Michigan Photographer - Willow Metropark, Family Photography

Southeast Michigan Photographer - Willow Metropark, Family Photography

Southeast Michigan Photographer - Willow Metropark, Family Photography

Southeast Michigan Photographer - Willow Metropark, Family Photography

Southeast Michigan Photographer - Willow Metropark, Family Photography

Southeast Michigan Photographer - Willow Metropark, Family Photography

Southeast Michigan Photographer - Willow Metropark, Family Photography

Southeast Michigan Photographer - Willow Metropark, Family Photography

Southeast Michigan Photographer - Willow Metropark, Family Photography